Window To My Soul

Window To My Soul

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Upon Awakening

Beautiful clouds adorn the sky
and tiny droplets of rain
are drizzling down.
Still quite warm, humid
for morning time,
but oh what a joy to see
that the sunshine is not
peeking out at me!
Strange how I never
would have believed even a year ago
that I would rejoice
whenever the sun did not show--
but this unrelenting heat
this past summer here
has tainted my joy of sunny skies
and the cloudless blue
You see, I've come to dread
waking up to a sunfilled room--
Much prefer the darkened gloom
Surely these preferences of late
are only temporary ones...
I cannot imagine not loving the sun
I cannot imagine too many days
that hold no light, only cloud covered skies
So yes, let the clouds block the sun for now
but please, one day bring back my love
of the sun somehow.