Window To My Soul

Window To My Soul

Monday, August 8, 2011

Just A Fleeting Wish...

Sometimes I wish I could find a home away from the city.  Just find me a place out just enough that I don't hear the traffic, the sirens, the speeders, the craziness going by.  Every so often I long to just be surrounded by trees and grass and maybe even a gravel/dirt road.  I've never been one to ache for material things--never wanted the fancy cars or fancy homes, just a place to call my own.   A place as an anchor to come back to after traveling wherever I might want to go...

Yes, I do have a lovely home, but there are just times when I wish I could be free of the cityfied life I live and wish I could cocoon in a comfortable old house that embraces me and holds me close and needs my tender loving care. 

But sure as that wish would come true, I'm sure I'd be wishing for the city life again...Perhaps one day I'll have a city home and a country home and trade off between the two?  Yeah.  I kinda like that thought!  Hmmmm.....