Window To My Soul

Window To My Soul

Monday, August 15, 2011

The Setting Sun

How do you do this? 
How do you make the sunset appear so majestically across the western sky like this? 
How is it that when I try so hard not to be drawn to the beauty,
the very depth of splendor that unveils before my very eyes
 that I cannot bear to keep from watching? 
There is something so beautiful,
so serene, so ethereal about the setting sun
at the end of the day.

All I know is that the Beauty I see
calls to me
and I feel compelled to capture
it whenever I can.
Dear Universe/Dear God Above,
if ever you hear my prayer,
hear it now:
I need your majestic grace, your beauty, your splendor
to adorn my life
I need to know, to feel, to see
that wherever I am going
whatever I am doing
however I am living
always, always, always
you will give to me
the beauty and grace and splendor
of your setting sun.
I cannot bear the thought
of not getting to watch
the sun going down
in the western sky.
Always it is such a display
a work of art
and magnificence
that captures my heart
and makes me know
that I am so insignificant
in the huge scheme of things.
Sunsets are Nature's promise
of another day done
and sunrises
are a promise
of a wonderful day to come!

Early Morning Sunrise