Window To My Soul

Window To My Soul

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Life's Echo

No doubt that it's true.  So many times I've noticed that whatever "vibe" or "hope" or "wish" I am sending out often reflects back to me--just like an echo when you're throwing your voice out to the Universe.  No doubt that the universe hears our every hope, our every wish, our every desire.  

"Be very careful what you wish for." my mother used to say wisely.  And perhaps she knew that so often wishes do come true.  Especially those that we focus on and want from our inner core.  Wishes are so powerful and I'm learning that if you frame your wish in a positive light and begin to think of it as already true--it is far more likely to happen.  

At one point in my life I did indeed harness the power of the "Wish" and it served me well--but of late (these last few years) I've found myself losing focus and forgetting just how to make it all work. I do know and remember this though:   Angst and anxiety cannot be included in the equation when making your wish.  True belief and knowing is what must be paramount and I am ashamed to say that I have been guilty of being caught up in the negativity of worry and forgetting to frame my wishes with positive light and the true knowing that they will come true.  Another thing I know is that you must be certain that what you wish for is what you want.  Once that desire is heartfelt and given to the Universe, it truly begins to bring it to fruition, to bring to you your hearts' desire.  But do be careful--for whenever you change that desire, the Universe will set about working on what you are presently hoping, wishing, focusing for and will abandon that which you have abandoned.

Too often in my life I have watched in awe as my wishes and hopes have unfolded before my very eyes.  I know I have the power to make all of my wishes, hopes and dreams to come true--but my first order of business is to make SURE that I truly KNOW exactly what it is that I want.  Once the desire is clearly defined, there is no stopping the attainment--it then just becomes a matter of time.

The Chinese Proverb, "Life is an Echo; What you send out comes back" Is all too true.  Now go out and use your "echo" wisely.  

Blessings to All!