Window To My Soul

Window To My Soul

Monday, August 22, 2011


But sometimes the night is nice too.  I love my dreams that come whenever I am asleep.  I never know who I might get to see there.
Last night it was my dad.
Loved seeing him again and being able to chat awhile.
He told me something--
said it was important.

"Olivia Post." he said with reverence.  "It's time to take your trash out to the curb."
"But dad--the container is only half full--it can wait til next time." was my reply.
"Oliva.  You need to get this trash out of here now.  Just do it.  You've always been an expert procrastinator.  So take care of it, then next week you can deal with other things instead of this." says my dad.
I sigh heavily.
"Fine! Just to please you, I'll take the damn trash out to the curb!" I say in a huff!

And he smiles and helps me.  Though the container is only half full, it weighs far more than I expected and my dad offers his help with a smile.  I gladly accept.  When the container is placed in its spot at the curb I look at dad and smile.  "Thanks, dad--not just for this, but for all of your help.  I do love you, you know."

"I know you do, Olivia.  I love you too.  Hey--I'm sorry I wasn't a better dad when I was alive.  I do miss you, you know." he says with a sad look on his face.

"I miss you too, daddy."  I reply.  Then, "Dad?  Am I going to be okay?   Should I stay here and stick this out or should I go?  I miss you and Mom so much!"

Dad replies:  "Stay now.  It's not your time yet--but when it is, your Mom and I are here.  We never ever forget you, Olivia.  You are precious.  Remember that."

"But I'm scared, dad." I implore--(why won't he hug me? I wonder).

"Don't be afraid.  You've got a lot to get done.  Getting the trash out was only the beginning.  Now go back in there and live your life and next time I see you, I want to hear all about what you've done.  I have to go now.  I love you.  Your Mom does too.  She'll drop by soon." says my dad.

I watch as he walks away.  Tears glide down my face.  Why didn't he stay?  So much I wanted to ask him, tell him, share with him.  But he left...again.

And then I woke up.

I do have alot to get done.  But the question is, will I have the stamina and courage and the drive to get it all done?  I sure hope so.

Loved seeing my dad in my dreams...