Window To My Soul

Window To My Soul

Monday, September 12, 2011

Take Time To Be Kind

Have you ever noticed how good it makes you feel whenever you do something nice for someone else?  
Just imagine all of the warm, fuzzy vibes floating through our Universe if only all of us would take a few moments each day to pass along a kind act to those we meet.  
If people would stop being so self centered and self absorbed in their problems and their perceived worries, and focus on trying to bring JOY to others and to give a true smile, a genuine offer of help or comfort -- this world would definitely be a better place.  

I've seen it, I've felt it.  Doing good for others is like unwrapping a beautiful gift that you've given yourself.  I honestly believe that kindness is contagious. If all of humanity would strive to be kinder and more compassionate and less self centered I know that our world would begin to change for the good.  

What will it take, I wonder to get folks to try harder to be giving and kind?  What will it take to vanquish GREED and SELFISHNESS and to get human kind to realize that treating others with KINDNESS, RESPECT and LOVE is a gift we can all enjoy and appreciate and "profit" from? 

I'm not giving up on this.  I know that Kindness and Caring and Love for my fellow man is the answer to the many problems facing our world today.  If all people would stop and just look around and strive to bring a gift of sunshine and warmth to those they share this life with--miraculous things would begin to happen and goodness and wonder would replace so much of the awfulness we see and hear about each and every day.

Please.  Take a moment to care about others.  Take a moment to give the gift of a smile to those you meet along your way and especially, take the time to be KIND.