Window To My Soul

Window To My Soul

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Leaving My Tracks...

            Oh how I hope that I leave GOOD tracks.  I aim to.
I mean, I want to, I plan to--but will I?
I just want those who know and love me 
who live beyond the years that I am
allowed to live...
            I just want all of you dear, cherished souls
to know this:
I truly, truly intended to leave good tracks--
but the big question is:
Did I?
Will I?
           My plan--
to live the best life I can,
to give as much love and friendship
as I can
and if that is not enough
in this life time--
then by golly,
I'll come back
as someone else
and do it all again!
          But no matter what,
no matter when--
my goal,
my plan 
in the here and now
(and yes, even in the beyond)
is to be the very, very best
that I possibly can.
          That's not too much to hope for,
is it?
That's not too lofty of a goal,
is it?
          I just want so very much
to leave GOOD tracks
in my wake
to make sure that those who knew me,
who loved me, who truly cared
will see beyond any doubt
that I truly, truly meant
to do my best--
to be the best that I knew to be--
to give every ounce, every little bit
of what is GOOD
from the inside of me...
          So, if it's true
that we will be known forever
by the tracks we leave...
          I hope, I pray, I wish
that my tracks 
will lead to better understanding,
better love for our fellow man
and a true kinship 
with all 
on this beautiful planet
of ours.
          That's just me...
leaving my tracks...
do you see?
          I hope so.