Window To My Soul

Window To My Soul

Friday, September 16, 2011

My Gratitude For Him

There is so very much gratitude living inside of me!  The gratitude that somehow my angels, my spirit guides KNEW that the day would come when I would need to know, to see, to be with my very first true love.  Feeling his warmth, his love, his truth, his sincerity has given me the gift of knowing without doubt that Mankind is truly good.  My beautiful love, my Blue Eyed first love is still the very same, still so very much who he always proclaimed to be and I am forever grateful and so very, very blessed to be able to see him, touch him, feel him and know him these many years later...

His smile still dazzles, his eyes still sparkle and shine and his hugs and his touch are still just as beautiful and awesome as I remember.  His depth of love for me is real, just as mine is for him.  We have grown and yet, we have remained the same.  How can it be???  How is it that this beautiful first love of mine is still the awesomely wonderful and romantic and REAL person that I always knew him to be those many, many years ago?  

This gratitude I feel is like a most precious gift.  How can I not unwrap it and marvel at its splendor and magnificence?  How can I not rejoice in this beautiful gift of his love--of my love for him?  All I know is that I feel blessed beyond measure and that I owe a depth of thanks and gratitude to our spirit guides, our angels, the dear, sweet Universe who endeavored in our favor to make sure we connected once again.

Life is more poignant and real now that he is here in my realm of existence once again.  

And oh my god, those beautiful blue eyes of his--that wondrous smile--the beat of his heart, his touch, his warmth--all tell me that yes, yes, yes I belong on this earth--if only to get to feel his love, his warmth, his touch, and see his smile again and again.

Gratitude is abundant from my heart.  Please.  Help me to convey how glad I am he is here.  Please?  I love him. I love him. I love him.  Thank you, dear Universe!
