Window To My Soul

Window To My Soul

Thursday, January 5, 2012

(Re-post) A Grateful Heart

Do you ever wake up in the mornings and just KNOW that it's going to be a great and wonderful day?  I do. Every day feels like a brand new gift and I love, love, love opening this gift, unwrapping it one moment at a time.  I never know exactly what I'm going to find underneath all tha wrapping, but man, it's almost always something really, really good -- and even when it's not the absolute best -- it's still at least interesting and fun and something that piques my curiosity and makes me want to see more, more, more! 

I love my life.  Each day brings such a tremendous amount of goodness and surprise and hope and (best of all) LOVE.  I love so very, very many in my life and love so much sharing what is inside my heart, what I feel, what I hold dear...I love giving and sharing and caring--how can I not?  Even when people are so wrapped up in their own little worlds and seem so obsessed with their problems and their fate they must deal with each and every day--I still feel this huge love and intense desire to give, to share, to be just who I am.

And best of all, this desire of giving from within never dies--it lives on even when times get rough.  No matter how crummy my life gets at any given time, I know that it is still better than some who are living a far less fortunate life than I am living.  And that is when I realize and feel the huge and intense blessing of my life, for I know beyond doubt that I am far luckier than some and that one day, when the good times do roll in (and yes, no doubt that they will) I will give back ten fold and then some to all who need, to all who want, to all who I can reach out and help--for whenever I am blessed with abundance, I will share and give and be who I am truly from within.  

Each day is a gift and my joy comes in giving and helping and being among those who are in need, who are living in the joy of just being.  

There will come a day when I will be unwrapping a wondrous and beautiful gift of abundance and when that day comes, I will have the honor of sharing and giving and helping those who are truly in need.

Until then, I do what I can and I know that I am forever blessed.  Thank you, Universe!