Window To My Soul

Window To My Soul

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Sharing This Journey

Such a delight to awaken to the joy of a new day--to the knowledge that this day, this VERY day is a gift to be unwrapped, to be explored.  The gift of this day is just a part of the journey I am on and as I travel forward, I love sharing this journey with all who wish to come along.  My journey involves a heart full of love, of learning to see the beauty in ALL things, of learning and acknowledging that ALL THINGS happen for a reason and that always, always there is a plan unfolding.  Whether that plan is pre-ordained or whether it is unfolding just as I intend--by putting out my forward thoughts, my positive vibes and my true beliefs, it is still a gift to be discovered, uncovered, unwrapped, and one to enjoy with the gratitude and joy of knowing that it is all as it should be.  Each moment of each and every day is unfolding to help us in our spiritual growth.  

As you allow all of your senses to be truly aware and cognizant of the fact that all life on this planet/in this dear Universe of ours is connected, you will discover so many "secrets" that help you to understand why you are here.  We are all here to learn, to grow, to advance and to eventually find our way back to the non-physical where we truly started from.  Many consider the non-physical to be "heaven" and perhaps that is a truly apt concept--as the non-physical state is such a euphoric and all knowing and blessed state that it is our highest desire to obtain.  So many do not realize that at one time we were truly all non-physical and that we actually CHOSE to come here as physical beings to delight in the journey and to learn how best to interact and be loving creatures without the advantage of the non-physical state.  Sadly, many of us came here with absolutely no memory of our non-physical state and our purity of love and acceptance and we stumble along and grope our way through completely oblivious to the fact that we absolutely have the power to do anything we so desire.  Many of us choose not to use our power beyond our humanly confines because we are enjoying the challenge of the journey so much that we want to find our way with only the human concepts that we were given when we arrived here. 

As I continue my journey, my travels through this life that I have so joyfully chosen, I am blessedly aware that we are connected to all things.  All of humanity are connected, but so too we are connected to the plants, the clouds, the stars, the moon, the sun--to all matter that comprises our existence as we know it.  But not only are we connected to all that is in existence, we are also connected to all that ever was, all that ever will be.  We are ONE with the Universe and all things.  If ever all of humanity realizes this and joins together to create a positive environment and a conjoined emotional bond of love--including not just humanity, but love for ALL things, all that ever was, all that ever will be--the BEAUTY that unfolds would be indescribable!  My goal as I journey through this life is to continually BELIEVE, to KNOW that one day we will all discover that our journey leads us to the HIGHER AWARENESS of ONENESS.  

And always I will carry with me my heart full of love and acceptance as I journey through this path I have chosen.  Life is GOOD--all LIFE is Good!  

Blessings abound in my life and in yours, as well.  Believe and it will be so!  #

Thursday, January 19, 2012


As I begin this journey of self, of my soul
As I reach deep within 
to discover and become one
with who I am
with who I have always been--
As I reflect and strive
to grasp
just who it is
I will be
when tomorrow
all the love,
all the hope,
all the expectation
all the joy
come screaming with glee
into my life, into my here and now...

All I need do
is to LIVE
to BE
to CRY

all while grasping the concept 
of eternal love, of eternal acceptance 
and remembering most of all
not to judge--
not to hold anyone 
other than myself
for my life, my joy, my sorrow, my gifts.
I alone am responsible
and I have the power
to choose

to BE
to CRY

but so too,
I have the power to NOT.

For NOW,
I choose to have the POWER
as MY GIFTS to ME. (and as my gift to those 
who wish to share and be a part 
of my beloved Soul Family).


Thursday, January 5, 2012

(Re-post) A Grateful Heart

Do you ever wake up in the mornings and just KNOW that it's going to be a great and wonderful day?  I do. Every day feels like a brand new gift and I love, love, love opening this gift, unwrapping it one moment at a time.  I never know exactly what I'm going to find underneath all tha wrapping, but man, it's almost always something really, really good -- and even when it's not the absolute best -- it's still at least interesting and fun and something that piques my curiosity and makes me want to see more, more, more! 

I love my life.  Each day brings such a tremendous amount of goodness and surprise and hope and (best of all) LOVE.  I love so very, very many in my life and love so much sharing what is inside my heart, what I feel, what I hold dear...I love giving and sharing and caring--how can I not?  Even when people are so wrapped up in their own little worlds and seem so obsessed with their problems and their fate they must deal with each and every day--I still feel this huge love and intense desire to give, to share, to be just who I am.

And best of all, this desire of giving from within never dies--it lives on even when times get rough.  No matter how crummy my life gets at any given time, I know that it is still better than some who are living a far less fortunate life than I am living.  And that is when I realize and feel the huge and intense blessing of my life, for I know beyond doubt that I am far luckier than some and that one day, when the good times do roll in (and yes, no doubt that they will) I will give back ten fold and then some to all who need, to all who want, to all who I can reach out and help--for whenever I am blessed with abundance, I will share and give and be who I am truly from within.  

Each day is a gift and my joy comes in giving and helping and being among those who are in need, who are living in the joy of just being.  

There will come a day when I will be unwrapping a wondrous and beautiful gift of abundance and when that day comes, I will have the honor of sharing and giving and helping those who are truly in need.

Until then, I do what I can and I know that I am forever blessed.  Thank you, Universe!