Window To My Soul

Window To My Soul

Saturday, June 9, 2012


When it comes to blessings, I have to say, I am abundantly sisters are some of the best and most wonderful people I know.  Always they take the time to listen when I need a friendly ear and find time to share with me whenever I feel alone or just in need of companionship from someone I know who cares about me and loves me.

There is just something about being with the gals that you grew up with and sharing moments as adults--always knowing that your sister has your back, cares about you, wants the best for you and will go that extra mile to help you find fulfillment of your dreams.  My sisters are my best friends and have been there with me through thick and thin and I will forever be grateful for their love, guidance and support.

No matter what has gone on in my life these past 50 odd years, my sisters have held tight to their belief in me as their sister and friend and have always been there.  My sisters are truly my beloved friends and I will forever love them just as much as they love me and always I will be here for them whenever they are in need. God sent me three beautiful angels to love and to share this life with and I am beyond blessed to have these wonderful women in my life!  For even when things seem awry with the world, I know that I have three amazing best friends to turn to for comfort, for love and support and they too have me!  How beautiful is that????

I will forever be thankful for the wondrous blessing of having my sisters to share this journey of life with me.  I will forever be thankful that I am allowed the privilege and blessing of sharing their journeys too!


Thursday, June 7, 2012

Happiness Can Be Shared

With each new day I endeavor to look around and find the very BEST parts of this life I'm in.  It's really not hard, for I am abundantly blessed to live near my sisters and their families, my brother and his daughter and one of my precious soul mates.  I also am secure in the knowledge that I am loved and cherished and valued as a human being and that helps my "happiness meter" immensely!

By most folks' standards of today though, I don't have as much as what most people seem to need to be happy.  I live on a limited budget, often do not have money to go out to eat, to buy new clothes or to keep up with dental and medical appointments...but what I do have is TRUST in my angels, my spirit guides and my UNIVERSE/my God to come through for me whenever I have a need that must be met.  Always my immediate needs are met and I feel beyond blessed.

Most of my happiness does indeed come from the LOVE that lives within me.  I hold such a love for the people in my life!  How can I not love those who are so precious and dear and who are sharing this journey, this existence with me?  We all are in this life together, trying to find our way and if I see someone who is struggling or who just needs a helping hand, a word of encouragement, I have to do my best to come through for them.  That's not just the people in my circle, but for all those on this walk of life with me.  It's not always easy to share the happiness I feel from within, but with each new day, I do try...

I think one of the greatest gifts we can give to our fellow man is a warm, heartfelt smile.  How often are you in the grocery store and you and the fellow patrons just look beyond one another as if you don't even exist?  What would it hurt to flash a happy smile and just nod to acknowledge that other person?  

One day I was having a particularly rough day and I had to run to the local store to grab dog food for my little pup.  I was in a hurry, had a headache and just wanted to get in and out and be back home.  But there on the dog food aisle was an elderly woman looking at all the different brands and just as I was about to grab my dog's preferred brand and take off for the checkouts, this lady says, "Oh!  Perhaps that's the kind I need to get.  Is that a good brand to buy for a little dog?"  Huh?  Was she really talking to me?  Then I noticed her smiling eyes and the dimples in her wrinkled cheeks and my heart just opened up and I had to smile and ask what kind of dog she had, etc.  We stood there and chatted about various selections for a few minutes and I could hear the love in her voice for her little two year old poodle mix and then she said, "Honey, thank you for taking a few moments with me.  Yours is the only live human voice I've talked to in days!"  Then it hit me...she really didn't need my "help" with a dog food selection--what she needed was HUMAN CONTACT.  I was glad that I took those few minutes just to chat with her and as I was checking out I noticed that my headache was totally gone!  Perhaps she was just the "medicine" I needed to remind me to stop stressing, to slow down and just BE and especially to share the happiness that lives inside of me.

My happiness?  Knowing that I am LOVED
Beyond Blessed!!!