Window To My Soul

Window To My Soul

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


I go to bed with it (Thankfulness) every night and find myself waking up with it every morning.  It wasn't always this way...

There was a time when I hated my existence and wanted nothing more than to just give up and die, to wallow in the misery that I, myself had created with the thoughts that I sent out into the Universe.  

Falling asleep each night with thoughts/prayers of thankfulness in my heart gives me a peace and a joy that is so hard to describe...but suffice it to say that the more thankfulness I feel, the more I receive in the way of gifts of delight and blessings for my life.  I am so abundantly blessed and each morning that I awake I take stock of the huge delight that lives within my heart and realize that each and every blessing, each and every gift is something to be thankful for.

While walking with my little dog in the mornings, I find myself silently enjoying the blessing that I CAN walk, and then the next thing I know I am thanking God/Our Dear Universe for the blessing of a restful night's sleep the night before, for my smiling heart, for the bounty of food that is sitting within my cupboards and pantry and refrigerator, for the car that allows me to drive to various places, for my home that is paid for and my clothes, all of my possessions that help me to have a good life.  But what I am most thankful for of all is the LOVE that surrounds me and envelopes my heart and soul through way of my beloved family and friends.  And the huge, devotion and love I receive from two very special and adoring men in my life who I treasure and adore just as much in return.  They lift me up and give me joy beyond belief and help me to grow and learn and are always willing listeners when I need a true and loving friend to listen and care!

This thankfulness lives inside of me each and every hour of each and every day, for how can I not rejoice in all the abundance that I have when I know there are others who are lacking in so many ways?  Those of us who are fortunate to have our needs met, who are relatively healthy and well, who have a safe, warm, cozy place to lay our heads down at night, who have the comfort of family and friends and who have our bellies full and the ability to eat good, healthy meals should never tire of giving thanks and acknowledging the abundance with gratitude. 

For as long as I can breathe and speak, I will be thankful for all that I have, for all that I am about to receive and for all that blesses my life throughout my days.

Thank you dear God/dear Universe for the abundance of blessings that you send to me.  I am grateful for even the smallest of gifts!