Window To My Soul

Window To My Soul

Saturday, December 31, 2011

This Most Awesome Gift

I’m not even sure that I can do it justice, but I want so much to be able to describe this most awesome gift that I’ve been given.  Each time I look at it, feel it, think of it, I am overwhelmed with such joy and awe and gratitude that sometimes I feel that I might just burst into tears.  (Damn these silly hormones!) Still…this gift is so precious and such a treasure that there HAS to be a way I can describe it to you and make others understand just how very, very fortunate I am.

At first when it was given to me, I took it for granted and didn’t really think it was all that important—I mean—I looked around and saw that everyone seemed to have this same gift that I had been given—just different variations of it.  I didn’t come to truly appreciate the value of it until my 5th decade and then suddenly, its value just skyrocketed and I realize now that all along this was the most awesome gift, the most precious treasure I’d ever held in my grasp.  I remember a few times when I damn near let it slip out of my possession—thought many times of just throwing this gift away—what good was it anyway?  Even though I took it with me everywhere I went and hauled it around with every move I made from state to state, sometimes it felt like it was just too burdensome to carry.  Sometimes I even thought it was plain worthless—who needs something that everyone else has anyway?  

And then along came this Christmas/Holiday Season.  For the first time in years, I have almost no money to spend on those I truly love and cherish in my life and I was wondering how on earth I could give them something special so that they would all know how very much I love them and care…

And then I remembered my original gift that I’ve had all these years.  It is something so precious and so valuable that why not just share it?  I mean, why be selfish with something that can be treasured and loved and held dear by all those who I hold dear?  I realize now that I don’t even have to wait for the Holiday Season to share it—I can share it with anyone and everyone that cares to be included and especially with those that I love dearly.

This gift?  It is my life.  My heart.  My time and the knowledge and experience that I’m gaining with each new day.  I can share this gift by just being ME, by being true to myself, by being the loving, giving, caring soul that I have always been.  I do not need fancy, expensive, store bought presents to give out—I can give out pieces of my life, an abundance of love from my heart, and my time to those who are in need, who truly want and desire a precious bit of truth and love.  

And best of all?  This gift will last into eternity, because with each piece of my heart, my life, my time that I share, a tiny bit stays with those who I reach out to share with and they in turn will share their gifts and before long, this most awesome gift will be seen, felt, held and experienced by all who care to share and become a part of this huge, huge gift that we call LIFE.

Now, how awesome is THAT????

Life Is GOOD.

Friday, December 2, 2011


Sometimes, just sometimes
I feel so alone.
I know there are many
who love me and care.
But still--
I am a creature 
who aches to be held,
to be touched,
to feel.

Just lonely
But I imagine
so many others
in this world
are just as lonely 
as I am this day.

Even so,
as lonely as I feel now--
I still do not feel
as completely Alone
as I did 
those years ago
whenever we were "we"
and he lived below
and I above
in the same house.
yet so very 

Such a sad
I don't feel so
I'm just alone
and sometimes
that's okay.