Window To My Soul

Window To My Soul

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Love and Kindness

Would that this world,
my world, our world
would all come together
with the mind and heart
to give from within
our hearts and souls--
to share, to love, to indulge
in humanity and kindness
to climb the mountains of doubt
and mistrust and then
to conquer
the chains of hatred and greed
and corruptness.

Would that our world
in which all of mankind inhabits--
we each 
could just stop, take the time
to give, to share, to enjoy 
to bless others we meet
with kindness, understanding 
and warmth
from our hearts and souls.

I will never ever give up.
I will never ever stop hoping
that one day, 
one beautiful, very fine day
humanity will learn
to be humane and kind and true.

It can happen.
It can start with me,
It can start with you.
It CAN happen.

Kindness. Love. Caring.

Blessed be.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

One Day...

When my time comes
to leave 
this great earth of ours
my spirit will soar
with the exuberance and joy
that lives inside of me--
for in leaving this earth
I know 
that I will again
be free.

Free to love,
to give,
to experience the depth
of a life beyond
what I am able now
to comprehend.
My spirit, my soul
will know no beginning,
will know 
no end...

For in leaving 
this mortal life 
of the here and now
I will be entering 
a much greater and wider realm
of the love and acceptance and truth
that I have always yearned to find,
always tried so very hard to see--
Once gone 
from this life
I will at last, at last
be allowed, be given the gift
of  just being ME.

Yes, one day...